What’s Happening? is a regular blog update that will feature snippets of the many opportunities, notices, events, and activities happening in the Cleveland Neighborhood and the greater Northside community. If you have something you’d like featured on the blog or in this post please send it to cna@clevelandneighborhood.org
- Known anyone looking to buy a home in the Cleveland Neighborhood? There’s Down Payment Assistance available for those buying in the neighborhood. Learn more.
- A Town Hall with the Commissioners from Human Rights and Revenue is happening tonight.
- You should be getting a flyer from the Parks this week in your mailbox. It includes some great coupons for upcoming Park events.
- Interested in a rain garden? Attend a workshop at North Regional in June and call the office to learn more about our Landscape Grants.
- North First Summer 2013 is coming up on June 11th. Register today.
- Interested in volunteering to help senior citizens in our community with some spring cleaning? Volunteer today.
Have anything you’d like to add? Leave it in the comments!