Interested in applying or know someone who might be? We are looking for a Summer Step-Up Supervisor. See the job descriptions below and please pass this along to anyone you think might be interested.
Summer Step-Up Supervisor – PT (32hrs)
Lead and oversee summer high school Step-Up Interns in hosting a variety of community events for residents of the Cleveland Neighborhood from June through August.
Desired Qualifications:
- Willingness to contact residents, setup events, and document resident contacts
- Experience supervising youth and or community engagement/event planning
- Proficient in Windows, Excel, Word
- Experience with databases and data entry
- Familiar with online docs and online tools (blogging, social media, project management)
Example of duties and responsibilities:
- Supervise High School Step-Up Interns hosting neighborhood block parties
- Assist interns with planning daily activities/events
- Resolve conflicts and manage behavioral concerns as they arise
- Assist interns in bringing supplies and setup to host community events
- Knock on doors inviting neighbors to participate in community events
- Call residents inviting them to an event
- Walk and flyer community and talk with residents about community events
- Update, maintain, and submit intern daily attendance record
The Step-Up Supervisor will work with Cleveland Neighborhood Staff to guide our youth interns to accomplish our mission to connect residents in the Cleveland Neighborhood of north Minneapolis to resources and to each other. The candidate should be familiar and confident with working with a diverse population and comfortable knocking on doors, interacting openly, and having conversations with strangers. The ideal candidate would be self-motivated, hardworking, well organized, and has previous supervisory experience. This position will require a flexible schedule. The expectation will be to work primarily hours during the afternoon (noon to 8pm, Monday-Thursday) to evening, and some Saturdays. Position will end August 20th.
We will contact you if you are selected for an interview.
- Location: Minneapolis
- Compensation: Dependent on Qualifications
Please email a letter of interest to hiring@clevelandneighborhood.org