Residents, families, friends and volunteers all gathered together on Saturday, May 9th to pick up litter, helping to make the Cleveland Neighborhood sparkle. We had enthusiastic men, women and children working together; block by block to make Cleveland the beautiful place we all know it to be. We had a great time getting to know one another, hearing valuable input, concerns and suggestions from individuals all while giving back to the community. It was a good time had by all which ended with a celebration lunch provided by the gracious members of the Luther Memorial Lutheran Church. The Cleveland Neighborhood Association sends out a HUGE thank you to all the neighbors who volunteered their time to make this happen!
Thank you to Kevin Gregory, Cleveland Resident and Crime and Safety Co-Chair, for leading the event. Micha McDonald and Anne Reirdon for cooking homemade sloppy joes, North Vegans for contributing vegan sloppy joes, Luther Memorial Church and Pastor Bee Vang for bringing a bunch of volunteers and graciously opening up their kitchen and dining hall for our post-clean-up celebration! Also to the Cookie Cart for donating cookies for the event, Lucy Craft Laney K 8 Elementary School for donating May Day basket giveaways, Juxtaposition Arts for screenprinting our t-shirts, U of M Master Gardeners for bringing knowledge and resources and the City of Minneapolis for providing clean-up supplies and resources about recycling.
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