Live on the Drive 2013 is right around the corner and we have an AMAZING line-up for you this year. You are not going to want to miss it. Check out LiveontheDrive.org for our concert line-up.
If you or a business you know or work with is interested in sponsoring Live on the Drive 2013, today is the deadline for notifying us if you’d like to be included in our print advertising. What a great opportunity to support a community event, get your business in front of a large crowd of potential customers, and be a part of something we’ve all come to love. This year we’re partnering with Movies in the Park to host movie nights after each concert, allowing for even more opportunities for our sponsors to be recognized.
We’re also encouraging individual residents to contribute this year. There’s no deadline for individual donor contributions.
Finally, a big thank you to our current sponsors. Our founding partner, North Memorial, who continue to support the community now in our sixth year of Live on the Drive. Thank you to the Minneapolis Parks for partnering with us this year to bring you both a concert and a movie three times this summer. Also, Thank You, to our recent sponsors: Victory Neighborhood Association, Camden Music School, Washburn-McReavy, Max Checking, and resident John Helgeland. We’re looking for your name here too! Sponsor Today!
[button link=”http://liveonthedrive.org/sponsor/” type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] Sponsor Live on the Drive Today[/button]