You’re never too old to learn! Adult Community Education is a great way to expand your knowledge at any age. We’ve heard feedback from Cleveland residents and encouraged them to expand classes to Lucy Craft Laney School. Just down the street from our residents at 3333 Penn Ave N. To increase accessibility, we’ve partner to make sure that those with children also can attend classes, by providing youth programming in partnership with the Laney Beacon’s program. The program is free and available for youth 5 and up. Download a registration form for the Youth program here. As to the Community Education classes you can find those by Downloading the Schedule of classes or view them below. We hope you can make it out to one of these great classes!
Health & Wellness
Massage for Couples: Heart to Hands – Nurturing Massage
You are massaging the shoulders of someone you carefor and you can feel the tension melting away un-der your hands. As you breathe deep you feel your confidence grow by the minute. Accepting guidance from the experienced workshop leader, you are finding a new connection with your nurturing capabili-ties. When your turn to receive comes, you have a new-found trust in yourself and the person massaging your shoulders. And, your shoulders become happier by the minute. Bring your loved one and discover a new way to show your tenderness. Only one person of the couple should register but both should come to class. Laney 2 Thursdays starting April 24 from 6:30-8:30 pm Cost: $36/Couple
Massage: Self-Massage for Stress Reduction
Everyone experiences tension, that nagging pain that just shows up. You will learn how to skillfully re-lieve the pain and tension in your shoulders and arms. By the end of the class you will be smiling with new skills and relaxation. Laney Thursday, May 8 from 6:30-8:30 pm Cost: $18
Hobby & Leisure
The Bicycle: Your Ticket to Fitness and Freedom
The bicycle offers you a range of options from recreational riding on a sunny summer day to carrying gro-ceries home on most any day of the year. We will discuss ways to bicycle with the maximum comfort and safety, preparing for the elements, resiliently adapting to the weather and streets. Using your self-re-newing power, free maps, and web-based resources you will experience a new level of freedom this sum-mer. Be sure to bring your bicycle to class. Laney Thursday, May 15 from 6:30-8:30 pm Cost: $18
Garden Free Fertilizer for your Thriving Garden
Working with nature, you can turn ordinary household waste into nourishment for your beautiful plants. We will cover the several methods of composting, reusing water, mulching, and creative approaches to have a healthy thriving garden. Laney Thursday, May 29 from 6:30-8:30 pm Cost: $18
Getting Started with Vegetable Gardening
Learn about basic vegetable gardening because growing fruits and vegetables at home is always a good idea, whether you are trying to improve your diet, cook gourmet meals, reduce grocery bills, or are look-ing for a fun family activity. We’ll discuss choosing a proper garden site, improving soil quality, choosing varieties of plants, and where to buy them. Laney Thursday, May 8 from 6:30-8:00 pm Cost: Free
Academics Writing Whirl
Add shape and flair to your writing in four sessionswith exercises (exercise is good for you!) in language rhythms, audience identification, rewrites and edits, and precise language choice. Enhance your abilities in writing story, memoir or blog. Laney 4 Thursdays starting May 8 from 6:30-8:30 pm Cost: $34 Adults 55+
Health Care for Seniors
Are you or a loved one turning 65? Already there? How do the government programs work? What are parts A, B, C and D? What gets covered and what doesn’t, when to sign up and what does it mean to you? Long term care, nursing homes, the government spenddown and the Partnership Act will also be dis-cussed. There will be discussion about how the newAffordable Health Care for America Act affects sen-iors. Get information and the resources needed to help you make your decisions. Laney Thursday, May 8 from 6:00-7:30 pm Cost: Free
Consumer & Business
Social Security: Understanding It
Will Social Security be there for me? How much canI expect to receive? When should I apply for Social Security? Learn about: FRA=Full Retirement Age; File & Suspend; Spousal Benefits; gain insight as to when might be the best time for you to take your benefit, and more. Laney Thursday, May 1 from 6:00-7:30 pm Cost: Free
Real Estate
An Essential Guide to Buying Your Home
Home values are on the rise, want to get the best deal on your home? Not sure what direction to go first? After taking this class you will know how to get the best financing, access government grants, and obtain first time buyer programs. Learn how to avoid the lemons and save thousands. Avoid the three mistakes most people make when buying a home. Instructor will walk you through step by step the best process for going about maximizing your money and having the lifestyle you want. Laney Thursday, May 15 from 6:30-9:00 pm Cost: $21
Help Your Child Do Better in School
When children struggle at school, parents want to be helpful, but often don’t know how to be effective with the time they have. Come learn many simple andeasy “try this at home” strategies to try this sum-mer to help your child do better in school now and this fall. Parents often turn to tutors, at great ex-pense, to do something they could do with just a little training. You will leave at the end of the fourth ses-sion confident that you will help your child do better in school! Class is free but you must register. Laney 4 Thursdays starting May 1 from 7:00-8:30 pm Cost: Free