Cleveland is excited to be partnering with Free Bikes 4 Kidz for the third year in a row, but this year we have a very exciting addition: We’ll be distributing bikes locally right from Lucy Laney School. Our goal is to register 150 kids and distribute bikes right in the neighborhood just in time for the holidays. In the past, families have had to travel to Maple Grove or south Minneapolis to pick up their bikes, which is quite difficult in the winter and if you are on public transit.
If you are interested or know a family that is interested in receiving a free bike, please have them contact the Cleveland Neighborhood Association via Facebook, email or phone 612-588-1155 to sign-up. We are also in need of volunteers to help on the day of the bike giveaway. If you are interested in volunteering please reach out to us as well. Our goal this year is to put as many smiles on as many faces as we can!