Spring is in the air and we want to work together to make Cleveland the beautiful place we all know it to be. Join your friends and neighbors on May 9th for a spring clean and celebration. We’ll meet at the end of our blocks along Lowry Avenue were you’ll receive gloves, pickers and bags from Team Captains. Together we’ll walk the blocks from Lowry to Dowling picking up litter, tidying up and helping make the neighborhood sparkle. We’ll finish with a celebration lunch complete with music and resource tables. It’s going to be a great event and we hope you and your neighbors can make it out to join us. In the spirit of friendly competition, there will be a prize at the end for the street (Penn-Xerxes) with the highest turn out, so invite your neighbors!
We’re in need for Team Captains for each block, so please consider volunteering!
[button link=”http://connect.clevelandneighborhood.org/spring_clean_up_2015″ type=”big” color=”green”] Register for Spring Clean Today![/button]