The 2014 Community Connections Conference will be held on Saturday, March 22, 2014 from 8:00a.m. to 4:30p.m at the Minneapolis Convention Center!
The conference is hosted by the City of Minneapolis Neighborhood and Community Relations (NCR) Department and is FREE to all participants.
This year’s conference theme, “Common Ground: A City that Works for All” aims to explore ways we can hone our organizational and communication skills, better understand how we can work with and influence city government, and build broad-based efforts that involve all segments of our increasingly diverse neighborhoods and community-at-large.
The conference includes a keynote address by Dr. Verna Cornelia Price, over 35 workshops, and a post-conference social gathering.
Conference workshops are organized around four themes:
•Making the City Work for Me: Helping Residents Better Understand and Influence City Government
•Thinking Bigger: Collaborations Will Get You There
•Finding Common Ground: Gathering Diverse Communities Around the Table to Share Common Goals
•Running an Effective Organization: Managing Your Work, Finances and Communications
Questions about the conference can be directed to Cheyenne Brodeen at 612-673-3737. Don’t miss this opportunity to network with other neighborhood and community-minded activists throughout our city.
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