We are pleased to let you know about this year’s Rain garden Project, a partnership between Cleveland Neighborhood Association and Metro Blooms. Metro Blooms is a non-profit organization that has worked for 30 years to strengthen communities by promoting environmentally sound landscaping that beautifies neighborhoods and protects our environment. Up to fifteen rain gardens will be installed in the Cleveland Neighborhood. The Raingarden Project will also involve workshops to help educate residential and commercial property owners on how to help keep our lakes, rivers and streams clean by simple changes in yard care choices. The workshops are designed to move participants quickly from an overview of healthy yard care practices to a completed raingarden design for their property with one-on-one assistance from Metro Blooms landscape designers and Hennepin County Master Gardeners. The Cleveland Neighborhood specific workshop is scheduled for Saturday, June 28th from 1pm-4pm and is FREE. Complete workshop details are outlined below.
Register now. Some locations fill up fast. The $10-15 workshops will be offered from March through June:
Date |
Day |
Time |
Location |
March 25 |
Tuesday |
6-9 PM |
Bloomington Public Works Training Room |
March 27 |
Thursday |
6-9 PM |
Edina Public Works Building |
April 15 |
Tuesday |
6-9 PM |
Champlin City Hall |
April 17 |
Thursday |
6-9 PM |
St. Louis Park Recreation Center |
Apr 22 |
Tuesday |
6-9 PM |
St. Barnabas Lutheran Church, Plymouth |
April 29 |
Tuesday |
6:30-8:00 PM |
Columbia Manor Reception Hall – Part A only |
May 3 |
Saturday |
9 -12:30 PM |
Kenny Community School (+ Blooms Day Plant Sale!) |
May 6 |
Tuesday |
6-9 PM |
Brooklyn Park Community Center |
May 8 |
Thursday |
6-9 PM |
Fridley Community Center |
May 10 |
Saturday |
10 AM-1 PM |
Longfellow Park Recreation Center |
May 13 |
Tuesday |
6-9 PM |
Brooklyn Center Community Center |
May 22 |
Thursday |
6-9 PM |
Kenwood Park Community Center |
May 29 |
Thursday |
6-9 PM |
Crystal Community Center |
June 4 |
Wednesday |
6-9 PM |
Nokomis Park Recreation Center |
June 28 |
Saturday |
1-4 PM |
North Regional Library – (Free)
*Closest to Cleveland Neighborhood & plant/mulch pick up will follow workshop |
Whether you are an experienced gardener or have never tried gardening before, these eco-friendly gardening workshops will help you learn how to:
- Capture rainwater on site with raingardens.
- Redirect your downspouts and install a rain barrel.
- Plan your own garden with one-on-one assistance from landscape designers and Hennepin County Master Gardeners.
- Use beautiful native plants in your garden landscape.
- Adopt healthy yard care practices for you and for our clean waters.
Participants are also eligible for a low-cost onsite consultation and raingarden design rendering from a landscape design professional.
To register fill out the form below or call 612.588.1155