Back by popular demand, the Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition and the Lowry Corridor Business Association are hosting the third annual Lowry Avenue Open Streets on September 20th with Harvest Fest. Check out these photos from last year and the stop animation created at the first event in 2012 to get a taste of what is coming your way in just two weeks.
Help Open Streets MPLS go out with a bang by signing up to volunteer for a short 2.5 hour shift making chalk art or hula hooping, keeping the streets clean and car free, taking photos, or another volunteer role that tickles your fancy. There are several shift times and positions available, so snag the shift you want and secure your free Open StreetsMPLS 2014 T-shirt while you still can! Sign up today! Sign up to volunteer with a friend, coworker or family member to have some fun and help make this day a success. Contact Beth Wagner at volunteer@mplsbike.org to register your group together.
We expect thousands of people to come to Open Streets MPLS on Lowry Ave, so we need all hands on deck. Come on out and show your Minneapolis pride!
Thanks so much to all our volunteers that make Open Streets MPLS possible! To learn more, visit OPENSTREETSMPLS.com, like our facebook page, or contact Beth Wagner at volunteer@mplsbike.org.