North First: HOME – September 10th

Join your neighbors this fall for the third of our quarterly 2013 North First social events on September 10th. This is a great opportunity to get to know other residents, neighborhood organizations and community at the historicIMG_4396 Capri Theater, enjoy some delicious food, have fun with some great name tags from Give & Take, stop by the Information Exchange, and hear some brief presentations about a variety of topics of interest to neighborhoods. Come for a bite and stay for some conversation. Just make sure you reserve your spot today!

6:00-6:45pm Social hour and Dinner
6:45-7:45 Presentations (You can present!)
7:45-8:30pm Networking and information sharing

The work that must be done to bring north Minneapolis neighborhoods into tomorrows vision for healthy neighborhoods will take some heavy lifting – it is work better done with friends! So, join the Northside Neighborhoods Council for an evening of socializing and networking with others committed to seeing north Minneapolis through.
Make your reservation now. We look forward to seeing you on September 10th, and bring a friend who might be interested!