As we mentioned last week, Our upcoming Neighborhood Conversations event will be hosted by renowned facilitators who will lead us in a wonderful community discussion that will result in a vision for the Cleveland Neighborhood in the years to come. You met David last week, learn about our other facilitator today, Barbara Simpson Epps. Register Today!
Barbara (Bob-e) Simpson Epps has spent a lifetime working to enhance the operations and effectiveness of organizations in both the public and private sectors. Deeply committed to strong, healthy and resilient communities, she has used her expertise to build and sustain diverse environments. Believing in the richness each voice brings to any conversation, situation or need Bob-e seeks to engage all in conversations leading to the extraction of knowledge, wisdom and reflection of self and others.
Bob-e is a recent Bush Fellow and plans to engage others in creating a system-wide, community-based and culturally-specific approach to address trauma- and stress-induced health issues in the lives of African American and American Indian children and families using the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACES) and brain research.
Bob-e has worked in public health for more than 25 years, taught at Minneapolis and St. Paul Community Colleges, presented on issues of health, early care and education, diversity/equity and inclusion, health policy, and numerous other topics on a local national and global level. She is trained in Frameworks (public policy marketing), as a Master ACES Trainer, Community Resilience Coach and in Art of Hosting (processes and practices which she uses to create environments for meaningful conversations with individuals and groups). She has received numerous awards locally and nationally for her work.
This event is open to all Cleveland Neighborhood residents. Dinner will be provided and the whole family is invited. Please RSVP online or by calling 588-1155. We look forward to seeing you and hearing your input. Thank you.