When Clover wandered by the office this winter braving the cold with a Community Engagement survey in his teeth we knew this is just the sort of community-commitment we wanted on our team. Clover’s been in training all winter and now we are proud to announce him as our new Newsletter Delivery Dog! For the price of a few small dog treats, this cute little guy will deliver our newsletter (which launches 30 Days of Community today!) right to your doorstep, saving us time and money and bringing good cheer to the neighborhood. Bridging relationships between neighbors and strengthening blocks is a top priority for us, so what better way than with a cute dog to greet you at your door with your dose of neighborhood news. Keep an eye out for Clover this week!
…April Fools!
Sorry to disappoint you, but until we figure out how to add opposable thumbs to Clover and teach him how to open gates, ring doorbells, and properly navigate the neighborhood, our Delivery Dog idea will have to wait. Hopefully you had a good laugh on this April Fool’s Day though. That being said, we’ve got the next best thing, Real Actual Neighbors will be delivering your Cleveland Newsletter this week! Please greet them with the same kindness and appreciation. And be sure to read about all the great stuff happening this spring including the launch of 30 Days of Community today!
P.S. For some more fun, wander over to your block on Google Maps and play a virtual game of Pac-Man right on your street!