Please let us know if you or a youth on your block might be interested in applying for the Summer Step-Up program. It’s a great opportunity for youth to gain valuable job skills, have something positive to do over the summer, and put some spending money in their pocket. We’ve had a great time at CNA hosting interns the past two summers and they have been a crucial help to our summer events like Live on the Drive. We’d love to hire local Cleveland Neighborhood youth, but we can’t do that in the spring unless they’ve already signed up Don’t miss out on this great opportunity. Sign up for STEP-UP Today!
[button link=”http://www.minneapolismn.gov/cped/metp/cped_stepup” type=”big”] Sign Up for Step Up Today![/button]
If there are any teens on your block, please share this opportunity or let us know their address so we can get the word out to them. Call us at 612-588-1155 or fill out the form at the bottom