On Monday, during the second half of our Crime and Safety Committee at 7pm at the CNA Office, we’ll hear from staff at the Home Energy Squad about their program to help homeowners and tenant’s save money and make their home more “green” with everything from changing light bulbs to weather stripping and more. Come by and learn about the program and how you can have the Squad come by your home. Help CNA know how best to promote this service and how to ensure it is a benefit to our community. We’ll see you on Monday!
Learn more about Home Energy Squad here:
The program involves energy consultants visiting residents’ homes to evaluate energy savings opportunities, and install energy-efficient materials. The program’s goal is to help residents save money and energy by learning more about their home, and gaining access to energy saving materials. All the cost of the diagnostic tests, materials, and labor are included in the $70 visit fee (the visits are discounted $30 for Minneapolis residents).