Do you feel overwhelmed by your finances or bogged down by debt? Do you have trouble making it to the next paycheck before running out of money? Do you have questions but feel like the financial professionals you speak to are only trying to sell you something?
Traci Johnson is a Certified Financial Planner™ who has lived in the Cleveland neighborhood for 14 years. She’s worked in Financial Services for nearly 20 years and is eager to help the residents of our community achieve financial wellness and balance. She will hold office hours at the Cleveland Neighborhood Organization office on August 16th or Sept 20th between 10:00 am and 2:00pm. Stop by to talk with Traci about your questions on debt and money management, budgeting and savings. Please note that no financial products will be sold or specific investment recommendations made.
[button link=”http://connect.clevelandneighborhood.org/financial_guidance_sessions_20140719_20140816″ type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] RSVP for an Appointment [/button]
or drop-in at our office, 3333 Penn Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411 at the Cleveland Neighborhood Association office at Lucy Laney School on Saturday, August 16th or September 20th, from 10-2pm. If you aren’t able to make it this Saturday, but are interested in learning about future Financial sessions, we’d like to know! Send us an email or shoot us a text at 612-567-1262. With enough interest, we’ll look to host these on a monthly basis in the community.
This posting does not imply an endorsement by the Cleveland Neighborhood Association.