It’s time for fall inspections in the neighborhood, here’s a brief notice from the city that you’ll be seeing in your mailbox soon, a friendly reminder to do your best to help our neighborhood look great!
Join us as we work ALL TOGETHER NOW!
A new initiative sponsored by the Department of Regulatory Services in partnership with neighborhood associations and participating businesses throughout the city.
The City wants to partner with residents, neighborhood associations and local businesses to help make our neighborhoods a safe and clean place to live. Starting October 15, inspectors from the Department of Regulatory Services will be going out into your neighborhood, with a special focus on vacant properties or properties with repeated nuisance violations.
Do your part to tidy up your yards and alleys by:
- Picking up and removing rubbish, old tires, and litter in yards & alleys.
- Trimming bushes and trees that hang into the alley, sidewalk or street.
- Removing volunteer trees and bushes from alleys and around the foundations of buildings.
- Removing inoperable vehicles from your property (including unlicensed vehicles) or storing them in an enclosed garage.
This is all part of our “All Together Now!” neighborhood fall yard cleanup pilot initiative we hope to extend throughout the city in the future. By taking care of your property now, you’ll not only make the neighborhood a better place, but City inspectors won’t have to follow up with any written orders.
How we can help:
We’ve contacted a number of local businesses who agreed to provide discounts on things that will help you spruce up your property as part of the cleanup. Visit our website at www.minneapolismn.gov/regservices for a list of businesses who have agreed to provide you with a discount on home improvement supplies if you show them one of our letters or orders, including this one, or call 311 or 612.673.3000 for a list of resources and participating businesses near you. Check back on the website as we’ll be adding businesses to the list every time they make a commitment to help their communities by participating in this initiative.
So go out and check your property for any improvements that need to be done before we come through and issue orders. If you do get an order from the city, take in your order to a participating business and get a discount on supplies that will help you correct it before a reinspection.
This is your chance to make a difference in the city by improving your neighborhood – join in, help a neighbor, and let’s work All Together Now!
Nuria Rivera-Vandermyde
Director of Regulatory Services