A resident vision for Cleveland Park
This fall we are embarking on a community engagement project to put together a vision for what residents and park users would like to see Cleveland Park and the surrounding green space look like by the year 2020. The decision to focus on this project came from resident feedback this summer that highlighted the park and that more could be done to enhance it as a community space and a true gathering places for the community. We also want to think bigger than just the park about what a truly “Common” space, shared by neighbors of all types, could really look like.
Thanks to the tireless work of Landscape Architecture student, Amber Hill, and Professor, Kristine Miller, our community engagement efforts will results in a final vision that the community can then use as an advocacy tool when talking with the Park Board, who have funding allocated for Cleveland Park in 2017, or other funders about updating the space. This visioning project will also help tie together two previous efforts by Cleveland residents to help vision what development on the northwest corner of Penn and Lowry Avenue will look like and input on a master plan for the Lucy Laney school grounds.
[button link=”http://clevelandneighborhood.org/survey/” type=”big” align=”right” newwindow=”yes”] Park Survey[/button]If you would like to participate in these efforts we’d love for you to contact the office or just show up to one of our Party in the Park events where we’ll be walking the park, gathering resident input, playing with large-scale models and all while having a fun time in the park. Mark your calendar for our Party in the Park events Wednesday, October 17th 5-7pm or Saturday, October 20th 2-5pm and then also come out for our Halloween Party in the Park, October 27th, 2-5pm in costume if you want candy and to give final feedback on three possible park designs. Cleveland Park is your park, your community space, your common space with your neighbors. Be sure to come out and share your vision for Cleveland Commons 2020.