Join with your neighbors and learn about all that has happened in the past year in the Cleveland Neighborhood. Enjoy some delicious chili, catered by Cleveland’s own Kimberly Caprini and Color Me Chili. We’ll be releasing our annual report, sharing stories from the past year, and discussing how you can become a more active neighbor in Cleveland. You’re not going to want to miss the delicious food and the great presentation.
Our annual meeting is also when we hold board elections and we’ll have at least 4 seats available for new board members. Joining the Board of Directors is a great opportunity and experience for any neighbor, whether you’ve been on a board before or are just now hearing of the idea for the first time. We’ll have a Board training and a Board retreat shortly after elections so you’ll have a chance to receive valuable training and gain knowledge that will be relevant even after your time on the CNA Board. We ask Board members to commit to about 5 hours a month of volunteer time, which includes attending a monthly Board meeting (3rd Monday of every month at 7pm) and at least one committee meeting per month. If you’d like to learn more about joining the Board please call 612-588-1155 or email the office.