You asked and we worked with Minneapolis Community Education to provide a variety of offerings for community members at Lucy Craft Laney school in the evenings this winter and spring. You can sign-up and get scholarship information online here. Here’s the line up:
Writing Whirl
Add shape and flair to your writing in four sessions with exercises (exercise is good for you!) in language rhythms, audience identification, rewrites and edits, and precise language choice. Enhance your abilities in writing story, memoir or blog.
Laney>4 Thursdays
February 20 >6:30-8:30 pm
Adults 55+
Health Care for Seniors
Are you or a loved one turning 65? Already there? How do the government programs work? What are parts A, B, C and D? What gets covered and what doesn’t, when to sign up and what does it mean to you? Long term care, nursing homes, the government spend down and the Partnership Act will also be discussed. There will be discussion about how the new Affordable Health Care for America Act affects seniors. Get information and the resources needed to help you make your decisions. This is a free class, but you must register.
Laney>1 Thursday
February 27 >6:00-7:30 pm
Computers & Technology
Web Blogging for Beginners
Most people who have access to the internet have viewed a blog at one point or another. Blogging, and the act of writing, can propel a business to the next level, be an outlet for an individual journey or be used to document experiences as funny or intense as they come. You will first learn how to start and maintain a blog, then discover how to take it to the next level with PR and monetizing strategies. Your guide will be the blogger behind the famous blog PriorFatGirl.com, Jen Emmert.
Laney>5 Thursdays
February 6 >6:30-8:30 pm
Web Editing: HTML
Create and edit simple web pages with hyperlinks, graphics and colors using HTML5, the new standard. While HTML5 is still a work in progress, the latest releases of the major browsers (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and IE) now support many of the new HTML5 elements. The previous version, HTML 4.01, came out in 1999 and the web has changed a lot since then. This is an introductory class that will focus on semantics (main structural blocks) and basic phrasing content (using styles) in an HTML5 web page. Students should have some previous computer experience. Bring a flash drive to class for saving files.
Laney>4 Thursdays
February 27 >6:30-8:30 pm
Consumer & Business
Job Interview Techniques
Being interviewed is just as intimidating as interviewing someone. In today’s business world, it can take interviewing for months before you land a job and on the flip side, it can take companies interviewing 20+ candidates to find the right one. This class will help job candidates fine-tune their interview skills, polish their answers and be ready for the difficult questions. It will also help those who are involved in interviewing. You will improve your performance on either side of the questioning because we will focus on both being the interviewer and being interviewed for a better understanding of the whole process.
Laney>2 Thursdays
March 13 >6:30-8:30 pm
Social Security: Understanding It
Will Social Security be there for me? How much can I expect to receive? When should I apply for Social Security? Learn about: FRA=Full Retirement Age; File & Suspend; Spousal Benefits; gain insight as to when might be the best time for you to take your benefit, and more. This is a free class but you must register.
Laney>1 Monday
February 20 >6:00-7:30 pm
Real Estate
An Essential Guide to Buying Your Home
Want to get the best deal on your home? Not sure what direction to go first? Do you know there are zero and low down loans? Learn how to access government grants, and obtain first time buyer programs. Learn how to avoid the lemons and save thousands. Avoid the three mistakes most people make when buying a home. Instructor will walk you through step by step the best process for going about maximizing your money and having the lifestyle you want.
Laney>1 Thursday
March 20 >6:30-9:00 pm
Help Your Child Do Better in School
When children struggle at school, parents want to be helpful, but often don’t know how to be effective with the time they have. Come learn many simple and easy “try this at home” strategies to help your child do better in school. Parents often turn to tutors, at great expense, to do something they could do with just a little training. You will leave at the end of the fourth session confident that you will help your child do better in school! Class is free but you must pre-register.
Laney>4 Thursdays
February 6 >7:00-8:30 pm
Yoga & Mind/Body Practices
Yoga: Hatha
End your day mentally and physically balanced with gentle Hatha Yoga. Relieve tension while finding a deeper connection to the body through postures and breath. Each class will include practicing basic breath work and awareness combined with movement and stillness including Sun Salutations, standing postures, forward bends, twists and a brief meditation. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat and a blanket.
Laney>8 Thursdays
January 30 >6:00-7:00 pm