A vacant lot at 3241 Russell Avenue in the Cleveland Neighborhood will be the site of a brand new Green Home this year and you have an opportunity to visit the site and learn more about it. The developer Peyser construction will have a gathering at the site next Tuesday at 6pm for those interested in learning more. Here’s they’re letter:
I would like to inform you of our company’s intention to construct a new single family home on the property noted above in your neighborhood and invite you to an informational pre-construction meeting where we will present the project and provide you an opportunity to ask questions, share concerns and help insure a successful construction process.
The meeting must occur at least 15 days prior to the planned construction start (mid June), should last about 30 minutes and will be held at the project site (rain or shine):
Date: Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Time: 6:00-6:30pm
Location: 3241 Russell Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55412
This home is part of the City of Minneapolis “Green Homes North” program whose goal is to build over a five year period 100 sustainable and affordable single family homes on vacant properties, all in the neighborhoods of north Minneapolis. These homes will be sold to qualified new owner occupant homeowners that make a commitment to your neighborhood, and the home we plan to build is similar to the two projects we built last year as part of this program at 3858 Sheridan North and 4150 Upton North. More information can be found at the Green Homes North website: www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/cped/
Our goal is for the construction period to last 3-4 months and to have the home ready for showing at the end of this summer. We intend to be as respectful as possible during the construction period, and the contact information for the developer, contractor and real estate agent will be posted on site during construction.
Thank you, we hope to see you at the informational meeting on May 27th.
Peyser LLC
Jay H Isenberg, AIA