We have a very exciting project we are just about to launch and you get to be the first to hear about it. We are kicking off spring with 30 Days of Community! We’ll be hosting events every day from April 1st to April 30th in a currently vacant storefront at 2205 Lowry Ave (next to the Lowry Cafe). Over that 30 days the space will transform from a movie theater to art gallery, concert space to garden workshop, and any other ideas you come up with. Each event will be hosted by a neighborhood resident, so if you have a great idea you’ve been wanting to do in your community please contact us and we’ll work with you to make it a reality! We have a small budget for each event and will provide each resident with all the support they need to help make it a success. Text or Call 612-567-1262 or email us at cna@clevelandneighborhood.org
This 30 day event will also be the introduction to our Connector Lab, a innovative way of building up community leaders. The Lab will provide 3 residents with mini-grants up to $500 each to create a community project that will better their neighborhood. Lab members will bring together a team to work on and launch their project with the support of the Cleveland Neighborhood Association. Are you ready to turn your community idea into a reality? Contact us! Text or Call 612-567-1262 or email us at cna@clevelandneighborhood.org
Look forward to seeing you there! If you have any questions please send us a quick reply email.