Welcome to the Cleveland Neighborhood…
The Cleveland Neighborhood is a community that values diversity and inclusion. Each of its residents has a unique perspective, yet all share common goals in their vision of a safe place to live. The neighborhood’s success rests upon its ability to provide a safe, nurturing environment for its families and its children to grow.
Cleveland Neighborhood is a friendly place to live and neighborliness is vital for keeping its residents. Neighborliness goes beyond a “MN Nice” wave or hello; it is genuine care about a neighbor, their family, and their well-being. Neighborliness manifests itself through our efforts to work with residents on an individual basis, through the neighborhood events we host and gatherings designed to promote neighborhood interaction, and to empower them through community awareness and civic engagement.
Urban Appeal
Cleveland is blessed with indelible urban qualities; Modest and attractive homes, established tree lined streets and sidewalks, the parkway system, a picturesque park, and scattered neighborhood business centers all contribute to a close-knit urban setting. To ensure these features continue to be assets, it is vital that constant strides are made in visual and functional improvements.
People must feel safe. A fundamental requirement of a neighborhood is that it provides basic security for its residents. Cleveland must continue to work closely with the police department and other government services, as well as create a space where neighbors can safely gather to voice their wants, needs and fears to them. Because safety is based on perception as well as fact, steps can be taken to build a sense of security in many ways. Maintaining the appearance of the neighborhood and resident involvement promotes self confidence and security for residents.