Besides thinking about your cold toes on a day like today, you might be thinking about your energy bill hurting your pocketbook. Now is a great time to think about reducing that energy bill and inviting the Home Energy Squad to help you do that. Cleveland residents have been utilizing this great resource for the past four years and nearly 10% of all Cleveland households have been involved in the program! Learn more on the Home Energy Squad Website or below.
The program involves energy consultants visiting residents’ homes to evaluate energy savings opportunities, and install energy-efficient materials. The program’s goal is to help residents save money and energy by learning more about their home, and gaining access to energy saving materials. All the cost of the diagnostic tests, materials, and labor are included in the $70 visit fee (the visits are discounted $30 for Minneapolis residents).
If the visit fee is a barrier to involvement would scholarships from CNA be helpful? If you’ve had a visit from the Energy Squad would you be willing to share our experience? Comment below or shoot us an email. Thanks!